To use this method, you need to know the name of the server you wish to join. The easiest way to find and join a Rust server is via Rust’s server list. We will describe how each method works below. You can connect to a Rust server in three different ways: TIP: Recycler needs 500 scrap, 5000 metal fragments, 10 gears to create! Put it to your base, so you don’t need to go anywhere for recycling.To play Rust online, you either make your own Rust server or connect to one. recycler.craft – It will add Recycler to your backpack, so you can put it anywhere you want. You can build much faster and more efficiently! TIP: It’s consuming the same amount of material (wood+material upgrade) like usual, but you don’t need to change every single piece of building with hammer. bgrade 4 – Enable automatic Armored upgrades

bgrade 3 – Enable automatic Metal upgrades. bgrade 2 – Enable automatic Stone upgrades. bgrade 1 – Enable automatic Wood upgrades. TIP: With Call Helicopter feature you can call in-game helicopter, it will focus just on you and team members and will shoot on you until you kill it.īGrade – Allow building directly with specific material:

callheli – Call helicopter – shoot you and team members only. TIP: To bind a key to open the backpack, use: bind b backpack.open in your F1 console, where “b” is keyboard button of your choice. trade accept – Accept the trade from someone. trade ‘name’– Invite a player for a trade anywhere in the map. pm ‘name’ – Send a private message to someone. shop – Shows shop where you can purchase a lot of useful items. info – Shows info tabs about this server.